More recent 1930/1940 small side casting reel (ancestor of the fixed drum), made by P.D Malloch, Makers, Perth. All-aluminum alloy, diameter 8.5 cm, width 5 cm, horn crank handle, removable noisemaker pawl. The "side casting" system, invented and patented by the Scottish firm Malloch, used an ingenious process to tilt the coil through 90°, transforming it into a fixed reel for casting. Then, all you had to do was flip it over again in the opposite direction to wind as with a normal revolving drum. The model shown here has a lever with an ivory tip, allowing the rod to be held by one hand only, to rotate the spool, transforming the reel into a fixed spool and vice versa. Like all side casting models, it is fitted with a foot and a large line guide which remain in bronze. Aluminum alloy, slightly oxidized, otherwise in perfect condition. In a soft leather "Bourse" case.