Hardy's: Two-handed Hollokona split bamboo salmon fly rod, model "The Hollolight" 12.6ft, three sections with two tips, No. H 29702 (year of manufacture 1960). The "Hollolight" rods for trout (7.6p, 8, 8.6, 9 and 10p) and salmon (12.6p only) were among the last split bamboo rods manufactured by Hardy between 1960 and 1966. They benefited from the latest refinements to this material, in particular the alveolization or hollowing of the thickest parts of the split, hence the name "hollow". This process, invented by the Americans, significantly reduces the weight of the rods, especially above 9 p. Hollolight" ferrules are of the patented "Studlock" type, much lighter than "Lockfast". The screw reel seat, sliding on the handle, is in aluminium, the start and tip rings are in agate and the bridge-type intermediates. The Hollolight 12.6p presented here is in perfect condition in its original Hardy case, and has apparently seen very little use. Its power (for 9/10 line) and relative lightness make it ideal for two-handed salmon fishing, with a noble material that carbon fibre will never be able to imitate. (See our article: Why fish with split bamboo in 2023).